Some California motorists find it unnerving to share the highway with an 18-wheeler truck. The vehicles take up a lot of space on the road, and they may seem menacing as they barrel past. However, by following a few safety tips, people can make big rig encounters easier for both themselves and truck drivers.
First of all, 18-wheelers are massive and heavy, which makes them dangerous when they crash into smaller vehicles. Because of the size difference, there is also the risk that a car may slide under a truck’s trailer or the truck may ride over a car when the two vehicles collide. On top of that, 18-wheelers have many blind spots around them, which can make it difficult for truck drivers to spot other vehicles.
Given these facts, what can drivers do to stay safe around big rigs? Traffic safety experts recommend that passenger car drivers take no chances around large trucks. This means that they should never cut off a truck that is attempting to change lanes. It also means that drivers should give 18-wheelers plenty of extra room when they attempt to pass them. Drivers should also be aware that big rigs make wide turns and make sure that they accommodate them accordingly.
Truck accidents often cause severe injuries, which can lead to long-term or permanent disabilities. In order to recover damages, many accident victims choose to file a personal injury lawsuit if the negligence of the truck driver caused the crash. If the suit is successful, the victim may receive financial compensation for medical expenses, lost wages and other applicable amounts. Victims could have their case assessed by contacting a Northridge, California, 18-wheeler auto accident injury lawyer.